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So, you have decided to go with a VPS, but now you must decide which operating system is right for you. Windows and Linux are both great operating systems and have their advantages based on your needs, but how do you know which one is right for you? Below, we will go through the advantages for each operating system. Hopefully, this will help determine which one will give you and your VPS the functionality that is needed!
Windows has been in the game for as far as we can remember and its operating system is used in most offices. Windows VPS systems are highly compatible with Microsoft products, making it simple to transfer and utilize data. Not only is Windows a user friendly and fairly easy interface to learn, it offers a wide variety of functionality options to further personalize your experience. Windows offers a wide variety of resources to help you understand the system, including guides, tutorials, and customer support resources.
Although Windows does have its advantages when it comes to hosting a VPS, Linux offers similar aspects at a cheaper cost. If you decide to go with Windows, you face one major disadvantage, which is the requirement of needing an operating system license to run it. Licensing is something you will not have to worry about if you decide to run Linux because it is a free and open source OS. This dramatically brings down the cost of your VPS. Another nuisance to users of VPS servers are viruses and malware. Fortunately for you, you choose Linux and because it is open source, it has the ability to fight pesky viruses and malware from penetrating a system.
Choosing the proper operating system for your VPS is an important decision. Price, specifications and convenience are key components when you ultimately choose what OS to run. We hope the information above has guided you to a specific direction and made the decision making process easier.
If it hasn’t, leave a comment or get in touch with us and we will provide you with any information you might need about Windows or Linux!