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When attempting to install SolidWorks on a Windows computer, users might encounter a common issue: the installation of Microsoft SQL Server fails. This problem typically occurs during the SQL Server installation phase after SolidWorks begins its setup process. Users may receive several error messages indicating that SOLIDWORKS Electrical cannot connect to the SQL Server due to incorrect settings or strong password requirements.
If the SQL Server fails to install while setting up SolidWorks, consider the following solutions:
To ensure that SOLIDWORKS Electrical can access a Microsoft SQL Server database for project data management, follow these steps:
In some cases, the block sizes for disk alignment (currently set to 32k in Windows 11) may not be supported by SQL Server. Verify and modify the block size:
fsutil fsinfo sectorinfo <volume pathname>
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesstornvmeParametersDevice" -Name "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" -PropertyType MultiString -Force -Value "* 4095"
If you encounter an error stating that the instance name is already in use:
Disabling certain components during installation can help:
By following these steps, users should be able to navigate through the installation process more smoothly and resolve the SQL Server installation issues commonly experienced with SolidWorks.
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