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June 19, 2024

Windows Updates: Server Issues and Annoying App Glitches Explained

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Microsoft reports unwanted effects of Windows updates. Windows Server and Windows 10 are affected.

Problematic Windows update.

(Bild: Erstellt durch KI mit Bing Designer von heise online / dmk)

Microsoft confirms that some of the Windows security updates have side effects. New undesirable effects have now become known under Windows 10 or Windows Server 2022.

In the Windows Release Health notes for Windows 10, Microsoft writes that with the installation of the April security updates and subsequent Patchday updates, certain apps may display an “Open with:” dialog asking “How would you like to open this file?”. This happens when the mouse is positioned over an app icon in the taskbar or Start menu and the context menu is opened by right-clicking to perform a task with the app. The dialog then appears instead of the app executing the desired task.

Microsoft has received reports that Teams, the new Outlook and users of Snip&Sketch are affected. However, other apps that offer a context menu with a task list may also be affected. As a countermeasure, Microsoft recommends bringing the app to the foreground and executing the desired task via the user interfaces and menus. Nevertheless, the developers are working on a solution that they intend to make available in a future release.

Last week’s security updates for Windows Server do more than just seal security gaps. According to the Windows Release Health notes for Windows Server 2022, they also mean that admins may experience problems with cloud-based SQL servers. Azure Synapse SQL Serverless Pool databases then switch to “recovery pending” mode. This is more likely to occur when customers use so-called Customer-Managed Keys (CMK) and Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool.

For this purpose, Microsoft is distributing a server-side solution to enterprise customers who use Azure SQL. The rollout is currently still ongoing.

However, those affected should ideally not uninstall the security updates, but implement the suggested countermeasures. Windows updates often lead to unwanted reactions. At the beginning of May, for example, it became known that the April updates disrupted VPN connections. Microsoft has since fixed this problem, and it should no longer occur.

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